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    李干鹏、何永辉、赵晓静团队在《Organic Chemistry Frontiers》上发表研究成果

    发布日期:2024-01-15 编辑: 浏览:

    Enantioselective construction of chiralgem-difluorinated C2-quaternary indolineviadual MgSO4–CPA-catalyzed asymmetric Mannich reactions

    By:Xin-Chun Wang, Xing-Pin Wei, Chang-Peng Zou, Tao Ma, Yonghui He, Ganpeng Li, Xiao-Jing Zhao




    The construction of the –CF2 moiety has garnered significant interest from the organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry communities. Herein, the synthesis of 2-(3,3-difluoro-2-phenylindolin-2-yl)-1-phenylethan-1-one scaffolds through asymmetric Mannich reactions between 3,3-difluoro cyclic ketimines and simple ketones is described. This process provides a broad range of chiral gem-difluorinated C2-quaternary indolines. The excellent reactivity and stereocontrol can be attributed to the dual MgSO4–CPA catalysis system. The adducts obtained could be readily converted into various synthetic blocks.

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