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2010年6月-2013年6月 中国科学院昆明植物研究所,药物化学,获理学博士学位导师:孙汉董院士

2007年9月-2009年12月 昆明理工大学生命科学与技术学院,药物化学,获得医学硕士学位导师:李蓉涛教授

2003年9月-2007年7月 黄冈师范学院,化学与应用化学学院,获得化学专业学士学位


2020年12月至今 国家民委民族药内生菌天然产物合成生物学重点实验室主任

2019年8月 云南民族大学(2019年8月云南省破格研究员)

2017年10月 高层次人才引进到云南民族大学独立开展工作

2016年1月-2017年10月 中国科学院昆明植物研究所副研究员

2015年11月-2016年9月 日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员(JSPS),东京大学药学院访学导师:Ikuro abe教授

2013年7月-2015年12月 中国科学院昆明植物研究所孙汉董院士课题组任助理研究员




  1. 1. 2018年入选云南省首批“万人计划—青年拔尖人才”

  2. 2. 2015年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会

  3. 3. 云南省2014年优秀博士论文

  4. 4. 中国科学院研究生院2013年度“院长奖”优秀奖

  5. 5. 中国科学院大学2012研究生国家奖学金

  6. 6. 中国科学院研究生院2013年度“优秀毕业生”

  7. 7. 中国科学院研究生院2011-2012年度“三好学生”

  8. 8. 2010年度昆明理工大学优秀硕士学位论文


1) 2021.01-2023.12云南省应用基础重点项目“抗肝纤维化异源二聚聚酮青霉呋喃酮的生物合成分子机制研究”,50万元,主持人,在研

2) 2020.01-2023.12国家自然科学基金地区基金“多功能萜类P450酶组合生物合成策略定向挖掘新型抗肝纤维化杂二萜”,40万元,项目批准号:31960095;主持人,在研;

3) 2019.01-2023.12云南省“万人计划—青年拔尖”人才项目,100万元,主持人,在研;

4) 2018.01-2021.12国家自然科学基金地区基金“米曲霉人工染色体异源表达滇重楼内生杂色曲霉大片段沉默基因簇定向挖掘新天然产物探究”,38万元,项目批准号:31760096;主持人,在研;

5) 2019.01-2021.12云南省自然科学基金面上项目“基于多效基因组导向策略在一株滇重楼来源内生真菌活性天然产物定向挖掘中的应用”,10万元;主持人,在研;

6) 2015.01-2017.12国家自然科学基金青年基金“疏花毛萼香茶菜中内生真菌次生代谢产物及其生物活性的研究”,25万元,项目批准号:21402213;主持人,已结题;

7) 2015.01-2017.12中国科学院“西部之光”“西部博士”项目,10万。主持人,已结题;

8) 2015.01-2017.12中国科学院“青年创新促机会”项目,70万。主持人,已结题。

9) 另外主持企业横向课题三项,累计到位经费110万元

自2017年10月独立开展工作以来累计主持省部级以上项目及企业横向课题7项,累计获得经费资助310多万元。迄今为止,我已经在J. Am. Chem. Soc.Cancer researchNatural Product ReportsOrganic LettersChemical CommunicationsOrganic Chemistry FrontiersJournal of Natural ProductsRSC AdvavcesTetrahedron等杂志上发表学术论文67篇,其中SCI收录论文61篇。以第一或者共同第一作者发表:本学科一区文章5篇。


l 第一作者#;通讯作者*26篇)(影响因子为2020年最新发布)

  1. 1. Wei-Guang Wang,*,#Hang Wang,#Lian-Qiong Du,#Min Li, Lin Chen, Jian Yu, Gui-Guang Cheng, Meng-Tao Zhan, Qiu-Fen Hu, Lihan Zhang, Min Yao, and Yudai Matsu-da*, Molecular Basis for the Biosynthesis of an Unusual Chain-Fused Polyketide Gregatin A,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142 (18), 8464-8472,2020(一区,IF=14.612)

  2. 2. Wei-Guang Wang*, Lian-Qiong Du, Shan-Ling Sheng, Ao Li, Yan-Ping Li, Gui-Guang Cheng, Gan-Peng Li, Guiling Sun, Qiu-Fen Hu and Yudai Matsuda*, Genome mining for fungal polyketide-diterpenoid hybrids: discovery of key terpene cyclases and multifunctional P450s for structural diversification.Org. Chem. Front., 6, 571-578, February,2019 (一区,封面文章,IF=5.155).

  3. 3. Xiao-Yan Sun#,Wei-Guang Wang#, Jiao Chen, Xue-Ting Cai, Jie Yang, Yang Yang, Huai-Jiang Yan, Xiao-Lan Cheng, Juan Ye, Wu-Guang Lu, Chun-Ping Hu, Han-Dong Sun, Jian-Xin Pu*, Peng Cao*, The Natural Diterpenoid Isoforretin A Inhibits Thioredoxin-1 and Triggers Potent ROS-Mediated Antitumor Effects.Cancer Res.,77 (4), 926-936, February,2017(IF = 9.727,一区,共同第一作者)

  4. 4. Wei-Guang Wang, Xue Du, Xiao-Nian Li, Hai-Yan Wu, Xu Liu, Shan-Zhai Shang, Rui Zhan, Cheng-Qin Liang, Ling-Mei Kong, Yan Li, Jian-Xin Pu*, and Han-Dong Sun*, New bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane unitent-Kaurane diterpene and itsseco-derivative fromIsodon eriocalyxvar.laxiflora,Org. Lett., 14, 1, 302-305, January,2012(一区,IF=6.091)

  5. 5. Wei-Guang Wang, Xiao-Nian Li, Xue Du, Hai-Yan Wu, Xu Liu, Jia Su, Yan Li, Jian-Xin Pu*, and Han-Dong Sun*, Laxiflorolides A and B, epimeric bishomoditerpene lactones fromIsodon eriocalyx,J. Nat. Prod.,75, 6, 1102–1107, May,2012(植物学一区,IF=3.779)

  6. 6. Wei-Guang Wang, Ao Li, Bing-Chao Yan, Shu-Bin Niu, Jian-Wei Tang, Xiao-Nian Li, Xue Du, Gregory L. Challis, Yongsheng Che, Han-Dong Sun, and Jian-Xin Pu*, LC-MS-Guided Isolation of Penicilfuranone A: A New Antifibrotic Furancarboxylic Acid from the Plant Endophytic FungusPenicilliumsp.sh18.J. Nat. Prod., 79 (1), 149-155, January,2016(植物学一区,IF=3.779)

  7. 7. Bing-Chao Yan#,Wei-Guang Wang#, Dong-Bao Hu, Xiang Sun, Ling-Mei Kong, Xiao-Nian Li, Xue Du, Shi-Hong Luo, Yan Liu, Yan Li, Han-Dong Sun, Jian-Xin Pu,* Phomopchalasins A and B, Two Cytochalasans with Polycyclic-Fused Skeletons from the Endophytic FungusPhomopsissp.shj2.Org. Lett.,18 (5), 1108-1111,February,2016(一区,IF=6.091,共同第一作者)

  8. 8. Jin Yang#,Wei-Guang Wang#, Hai-Yan Wu, Xue Du, Xiao-Nian Li, Yan Li, Jian-Xin Pu*, and Han-Dong Sun*, Bioactive Enmein-typeent-Kaurane Diterpenoids fromIsodon phyllostachys,J. Nat. Prod., 79 (1), 132-140, January,2016(植物学一区,IF=3.779,共同第一作者)

  9. 9. Song, N.#; Ma, L.#; Wang, W. G.#; Sun, H. H.; Wang, L.; Baldwin, I. T.; Wu, J. S*, An ERF2-like transcription factor regulates production of the defense sesquiterpene capsidiol upon Alternaria alternata infection.Journal of Experimental Botany.2019,70 (20), 5895-5908.(植物学一区,IF=5.36,共同第一作者)

  10. 10. S. L. Sheng; Y. P. Li; H. Y. Xiang; Y. Liu; Y. D. Wang*; L. P. Kong; G. Du; Q. F. Hu; Y. J. Chen;W. G. Wang*, Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Induced Lipase Inhibitors from Endophytic Phomopsis sp. 0391.Records of Natural Products2020,14(1), 42-47.(四区)

  11. 11. Ting He, Yudan Wang, Lianqiong Du, Fangru Li,Qiufen Hu, Guiguang Cheng*,W. G. Wang*, Overexpression of Global Regulator LaeA Induced Secondary Metabolite Production in Aspergillus versicolor 0312,Records of Natural Products2020, in press, 1 – 8.(四区)

  12. 12. M. Y. Li; L. M. Liao; Q. Y. Sun; D. Miao; Z. Min; Q. F. Hu; Y. Q. Ye; W. G. Wang*; G. P. Li*, Two New Anti-Tobacco Mosaic Virus Xanthones from Comastoma Pedunculatum.Chemistry of Natural Compounds2020,56(2), 217-220.(四区)

  13. 13. W. G. Wang; J. Wang; Y. Xu; H. T. Huang; W. L. Zeng; J. Li; W. S. Kong; X. Liu; G. Qian; G. Y. Yang; Q. F. Hu; Y. K. Li, Two New Chromone Derivatives from Cassia leschenaultiana and Their Anti-Tobacco Mosaic Virus Activity.Chemistry of Natural Compounds2019,55(6), 1018-1021.(四区)

  14. 14. M. Y. Li; L. M. Liao; Q. Y. Sun; M. Dong; M. Zhou; Y. Q. Ye; Y. J. Chen; Q. F. Hu*;W. G. Wang*, ISOBENZOFURANONE DERIVATIVES FROM THE ROOTS OF PHLOMIS BETONICOIDES AND THEIR BIOACTIVITY.Heterocycles2019,98(5), 703-710.(四区)

  15. 15. S. S. Hu; M. J. Liang; Q. L. Mi; W. Chen; J. Ling; X. Chen; J. Li; G. Y. Yang; Q. F. Hu; W. G. Wang*; Y. D. Guo*, Two New Diphenyl Ether Derivatives from the Fermentation Products of the Endophytic Fungus Phomopsis asparagi.Chemistry of Natural Compounds2019,55(5), 843-846.(四区)

  16. 16. Min Zhou, Rui-Qi Zhang, Yan-Jun Chen, Ling-Min Liao, Yan-Qi Sun, Zu-Hong Ma, Qiao-Fen Yang, Ping Li, Wei-Guang Wang,* and Qiu-Fen Hu*, Flavones from the Fruits of Vernicia fordii and Their Anti-Tobacco Mosaic Virus Activity,Heterocycles,2018,96(1), 137-143.(四区)

  17. 17. Tang, Jian-Wei#;Wang, Wei-Guang#; Li, Ao#; Yan, Bing-Cha; Chen Rong; Li, Xiao-Nian; Du, Xue; Sun, Han-Dong; Pu, Jian-Xin*, Polyketides from the endophytic fungusPhomopsissp. sh917 by using the One Strain/Many Compounds Strategy.Tetrahedron2017,73 (26), 3577-3584, June 2017 (三区,共同第一作者,IF=2.233)

  18. 18. Wei-GuangWang, Jin Yang, Hai-YanWu, Ling-Mei Kong, Jia Su, Xiao-Nian Li,Xue Du, Rui Zhan, Min Zhou, Yan Li, Jian-Xin Pu*, Han-Dong Sun,ent-Kauranoids isolated fromIsodon eriocalyxvar.laxifloraand their structure activity relationship analyses.Tetrahedron,71, 48, 9161-9171, September,2015(三区)

  19. 19. Wei-Guang Wang, Jian-Wei Tang, Yi-Ming Shi, Xue Du, Xiao-Nian Li, Hai-Yan Wu, Hua-Yi Jiang, Yan Li, Jian-Xin Pu*, and Han-Dong Sun*, Laxiflorol A, the first example of 7,8:15,16-di-seco-15-nor-21-homo-ent-kauranoid fromIsodon eriocalyxvar.laxiflora.RSC Adv.,5, 8, 6132-6135, January,2015(三区)

  20. 20. Wei-Guang Wang, Bing-Chao Yan, Xiao-Nian Li, Xue Du, Hai-Yan Wu, Rui Zhan, Yan Li, Jian-Xin Pu*, and Han-Dong Sun, 6,7-Seco-ent-kaurane-type diterpenoids fromIsodon eriocalyxvar.laxiflora.Tetrahedron,70, 41, 7445-7453, August,2014(三区)

  21. 21. Wei-Guang Wang, Xue Du, Xiao-Nian Li, Bing-Chao Yan, Min Zhou, Hai-Yan Wu, Rui Zhan, Ke Dong, Jian-Xin Pu*, Han-Dong Sun*, Four new diterpenoids fromIsodon eriocalyxvar.laxiflora,Nat. Prod. Bioprospect.,3, 145-149, August,2013

  22. 22. Wei-Guang Wang, Zhao-Yuan Wu, Hai-Zhou Li, Hong-Mei Li, Yuan-Dan Li, Rong-Tao Li*, and Huai-Rong Luo*, Pierisformotoxins A-D, polyesterifi Scopariusinsed grayanane diterpenoids fromPieris formosaand their cAMP regulation activities.Chem. Biodivers.,10, 6, 1061-1071, June,2013(四区)

  23. 23. Wei-Guang Wang, Xiao-Nian Li, Xue Du, Ke Dong, Wei Zhao, Hai-Yan Wu, Ling-Mei Kong,Yan Li, Jian-Xin Pu*, Han-Dong Sun*, Biogenetically related cagedent-kaurane diterpenoids fromIsodon eriocalyxvar.laxiflora,Tetrahedron Lett.,53, 22, 2777-2781, March,2012(三区)

  24. 24. Wei-Guang Wang, Hai-Yan Wu, Xue Du, Ju-Ming Yan,Yan Li, Jian-Xin Pu*, Han-Dong Sun*,ent-Kaurane diterpenoids fromIsodon eriocalyxvar.laxiflora,Chin. J. Chem., 30, 6, 1226–1230, April,2012(封面文章,四区)

  25. 25. Wei-Guang Wang, Hong-Mei Li, Hai-Zhou Li, Zhao-Yuan Wu, Rong-Tao Li*, New grayanol diterpenoid and new phenolic glucoside from the flowers ofPieris formosa,J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res.,12, 1, 70-75, January,2010(四区)

  26. 26. Wei-Guang Wang, Yong-Guo Cao, Li-Zhuo Fu, Hai-Zhou Li, Xu-Ming Deng, Rong-Tao Li*, Chemical constituents fromRhododendron spicif erumand their effects on immunocyte of mice,Chinese Trad. Herb. Dru., 40, 11, 25-29, February,2009

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