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发布日期:2023-04-28 浏览次数:

张海洋 博士 副教授


  • 2016.09--2020.06  南京理工大学  理学院  理学博士

  • 2018.09--2019.08  University of Waterloo  Applied Mathematics  访学博士

  • 2013.09--2016.06  云南民族大学  数学与计算机科学学院  理学硕士

  • 2009.09--2013.06  淮北师范大学信息学院  数学与应用数学系  理学学士




  • 复杂系统:时滞神经网络、Markov跳变系统、多智能体系统

  • 定性分析:稳定性、无源性、耗散性、状态同步、状态估计

  • 智能控制:事件触发控制、脉冲控制、模糊控制、数据驱动控制


  • 主持云南省兴滇英才支持计划青年人才专项,2024--2028

  • 主持云南省科技厅基础研究计划项目,2022--2025

  • 主持云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目,2021--2023


  • 主持云南民族大学教学改革项目,2022--2024


[1]      Shanshan Zhao, Haiyang Zhang*, Lianglin Xiong*, Shiping Wen, Jinde Cao, Yi Zhang. Resilient adaptive event-triggered synchronization control of piecewise-homogeneous Markov jump delayed neural networks under aperiodic DoS attacks. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2023. SCI检索

[2]      Xiaoman Liu, Lianglin Xiong*, Haiyang Zhang*, Jinde Cao. New Criteria of Event-triggered Exponential State Estimation for Delayed semi-Markovian Memristor-based Neural Networks. Expert Systems with Applications. 2023. SCI检索

[3]      Shanshan Zhao, Haiyang Zhang*, Lianglin Xiong*, Huizhen Chen. Resilient event-triggered stabilization for uncertain Markovian jump delayed neural networks under time-window-based aperiodic DoS attacks. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2023. SCI检索

[4]      Xiaoman Liu, Haiyang Zhang*, Jun Yang, Hao Chen. Stochastically exponential synchronization for Markov jump neural networks with time-varying delays via event-triggered control scheme. Advances in Difference Equations. 2021. SCI检索

[5]      Haiyang Zhang, Zhipeng Qiu, Jinde Cao, Abdel-Aty, Mahmoud, Lianglin Xiong*. Event-Triggered Synchronization for Neutral-Type Semi-Markovian Neural Networks With Partial Mode-Dependent Time-Varying Delays. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2020. SCI检索

[6]      Xiaoman Liu, Haiyang Zhang*, Tao Wu, Jinlong Shu. Stochastic Exponential Stabilization for Markov Jump Neural Networks with Time-varying Delays via Adaptive Event-Triggered Impulsive Control. Complexity. 2020. SCI检索

[7]      Haiyang Zhang, Zhipeng Qiu, Xinzhi Liu, Lianglin Xiong*. Stochastic robust finite-time boundedness for semi-Markov jump uncertain neutral-type neural networks with mixed time-varying delays via a generalized reciprocally convex combination inequality. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2020. SCI检索

[8]      Haiyang Zhang, Zhipeng Qiu, Lianglin Xiong*, Guanghao Jiang. Stochastic stability analysis for neutral-type Markov jump neural networks with additive time-varying delays via a new reciprocally convex combination inequality. International Journal of Systems Science. 2019. SCI检索

[9]      Haiyang Zhang, Zhipeng Qiu, Lianglin Xiong*. Stochastic stability criterion of neutral-type neural networks with additive time-varying delay and uncertain semi-Markov jump. Neurocomputing. 2019. SCI检索

[10]   Xiaoman Liu, Haiyang Zhang*, Lianglin Xiong*, Tao Wu, Zhaoyong Tang. A New Free-matrix Inequality with application to Exponential State Estimation for Markov Jump Neural Networks. 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2020 & 2021), 2022. EI检索

[11]   Xiaoman Liu, Haiyang Zhang*, Lianglin Xiong*, Tao Wu. Exponential State Estimation for Markov jump Neural Networks via Utilizing A New Free-matrix Exponential-type Inequality. Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2021). 2021. EI检索

[12]   Haiyang Zhang, Xiaoman Liu, Lianglin Xiong*, Tao Wu. Novel Exponential Synchronization criterion of Markov jump Neural Networks with Additive Time-varying Delays. Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2021). 2021. EI检索

[13]   Haiyang Zhang, Zhipeng Qiu, Lianglin Xiong*, Guanghao Jiang, Chen Peng. Stabilization for Markovian Jump Systems with Additive Time-varying Delays. IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 2017. EI检索

[14]   付亲宏, 熊良林, 张海洋, 秦娅, 权沈爱. 具有半马尔可夫跳跃的时变时滞系统的滑模控制研究. 数学物理学报. A. 2023. 北大核心检索

[15]   张海洋, 邱志鹏, 熊良林. 新的Jensen类二重积分不等式的改进. 云南大学学报. 自然科学版. 2017. 北大核心检索

[16]   张海洋, 熊良林. 中立型加性时滞semi-Markov跳跃神经网络的分析与设计, 中国财政经济出版社, 2022. (学术专著)

[17] 熊良林, 张海洋, 吴涛, 邱洁. 不等式及时滞系统的镇定性研究, 中国矿业大学出版社, 2018. (学术专著)


  • 云南省工业与应用数学学会副秘书长


  • Email: haiya287@ymu.edu.cn

